Client Spotlight: Oona

Client Spotlight: Oona

We love to hear about our clients swimming journeys. Meet Oona who has become one of our most dedicated squad and ocean swimmers since completing our Build Your Style course back in 2017. Oona has incorporated swimming into her weekly routine and now swims all year...
How to improve your dive

How to improve your dive

Many adults are not great at diving. When you come down to the pool do you opt for the stairs or a slide-in entry? Or worse are you guilty of soaking the coach with the splash from your dive/bellyflop?! Fear not, we are here to help. Here are our top tips to execute...

Most common mistakes in freestyle

Over the years, we have seen an array of swim abilities and swim styles. From total beginners to confident ocean swimmers and triathletes. Despite each individual’s different abilities, there are a couple things almost everyone is either doing wrong or can improve...
Why Should Squad Swimmers Work on their Technique?

Why Should Squad Swimmers Work on their Technique?

Our Lap Time sessions are all about improving your swim strength, fitness and speed. The aim of squad training is to have a fun workout and to get some kms under your belt. This means our sessions do not have a huge focus on stroke correction. However, some of our...