There are many reasons why people swim. For fitness, to compete, or just for fun. But swimming is also a good tool to support your mental health. Like all forms of exercise, swimming releases endorphins in the brain which increases positivity. The rhythmic cycle of breathing is also very similar to meditation breathing and even many yoga practices which evoke in deep muscle relaxation.

A British sports psychologist Julie Johnston said, “The feeling of ‘freedom’ whilst in the water has long been one of the key appeals behind all forms of swimming, and the results of this survey offer a clear indication that swimming not only provides an effective physical workout, but can also actively improve mentality and self-perception, making it the ideal exercise for both body and mind.

There is a growing trend in reported commentary on how swimming can contribute to a significant reduction of those feelings of anxiety and depression. Physiologically, a solid swim workout will release endorphins which are naturally occurring compounds that bring out feelings of happiness, but also helps reduce stress hormones and place swimming bodies into muscle relaxation. This in turn stimulates new brain cells in the hippocampus which is the essential part of the brain that regulates emotions, but also is associated with long term memory as well as spatial navigation.

Swimming in cold water like we do at the Icebergs and in the surf could be particularly beneficial. A a recent documentary by the BBC featured a patient with depression who was given a non-traditional prescription – to swim in cold water. The patient and her doctor believe the cold water swimming has helped her become both symptom and medication-free. Although one case does not prove much, it is thought that cold water activates stress responses in the body, and repeated exposure to cold water can result in a process of adaptation called habituation. One theory is that if you can adapt to the cold you are better able to blunt your stress response to other daily stresses.

Whatever your reasons for swimming, we all feel much better mentally and physically after a swim. So next time you feel you need to clear your head come down and get in the water!

Check out the timetable here and schedule in your next swim 🙂

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