We love to hear about our clients swimming journeys. Meet Oona who has become one of our most dedicated squad and ocean swimmers since completing our Build Your Style course back in 2017. Oona has incorporated swimming into her weekly routine and now swims all year round. She has made huge improvements to her swimming and can now more confidently enjoy her ocean backyard at Bronte. Go Oona!

What was your swim ability before you started swimming with Salty Fit?
I could swim albeit in the most ungainly way, but usually never did more than six or eight laps without giving up.
What prompted you to book into lessons?
I love the water, and my knees don’t like running anymore, but I was a very slow, untrained swimmer.

How did you feel after your first few sessions of the course?
I feel completely different. So many tweaks to how I swim that I have things to think about: breathing, body posture, the catch, hand position, lane etiquette and on and on.

How did Salty Fit help you on your swim journey?
I’ve done a couple of 2.5km ocean swims this year and have planned more this summer. The swimming style at Salty Fit totally makes sense, it feels natural, you can feel the water, not fight it, and the encouragement and camaraderie are wonderful. I thought squad sessions were for people far more advanced than me, but now I’m in the gang, and times are improving each week. I have times!

What was a breakthrough/stand out moment for you?
Realising I’d actually done 2km before work. Never happened before. Also going out the back at Bronte on my own, because I’m more confident reading rips and sandbanks, and catching waves.

Start your own swimming journey today. Join one of our upcoming courses to get started. ????

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